Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

Wow, 2011. Where have the years gone. I guess they have gone into a wonderful life of family, friends and horses. We had a birthday party for the horses yesterday and over 150 people came to visit them. We consumed a huge birthday cake and drank gallons of coffee. You could tell the horses were happy. The tour guides were worn out, but they looked happy too. Things got so busy so fast that 3 of the horses became nauseous from too many treats. I will be a better parent from now on and not let that happen again. They were all fine after an hour or so. Mr Cowboy, our newly official 2 year old race horse provided all the entertainment (up until he got gas from too many treats). Today they are all mellow and resting, just like me. Also a big event to kick off the new year is that we formed our racing partnership for Mr Cowboy, Cabin Creek Racing, last night. Wish us luck as we send Mr Cowboy to South Carolina to meet up with his trainer Bill Allyn. I'll keep you posted on things. I wish everyone the best for the new year and hope everyone comes to visit.

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